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5 2019

Adath Israel's Ripped from the Headlines

10:30AM - 11:30AM  

McCaffrey's Supermarket, Yardley, PA
All are welcome, call for more information - 609 896 4977, or go online at for more information, no charge 635 Heacock Road
Yardley, PA 19067
609 896 4977 (Phone)
609 896 1071 (Fax)

Contact Rabbi Benjamin Adler
All are welcome, call for more information - 609 896 4977, or go online at for more information - No Charge
6098964977 (Phone)
609 896 1071 (Fax)

Spend the first Thursday morning each month with Adath Israel's
Rabbi Benjamin Adler for an informal discussion of current events and what Judaism has to say about the issues of our day. Grab a cup of coffee or tea at McCaffrey’s, Yardley, then head to the upstairs meeting room and find out what’s happening in the world, through a Jewish lens. FREE.

Sponsor: Adath Israel Congregation