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PJ Our Way is the next step for kids as they age out of the PJ Library. It is for kids 9-11 years old and it is kid-driven--they choose their own books, creating a totally tailored experience based their own interests and reading level. To make the choice easier, our website includes summaries and author bios, along with ratings, reviews, and video trailers created by members themselves. Kids can also take polls and quizzes, participate in monthly interviews and challenges, post their own reviews or videos, and comment on blog posts.


The PJ Our Way site is a completely safe and moderated space, perfect for acclimating older kids to using the web independently. It even has a parent blog, where you can read about the books on offer for your child, and find family discussion questions for each book. You can also find out what values or topics are covered, as well as any content advisories you or your child should know before choosing a book.


Sign your child up today!